
I loved this book!
Like I love Jane Austen's books, this book really made me think about the six novels in a new light. Wonderfully written, the tone is right and the characters memorable.

True, but at least this was at the exact same moment.

What about…
Hugo Weaving as Elrond? I'm hoping he will also return, as he's part of "The Hobbit" plot.

Curtis from 24 died in (if I remember correctly) the episode where Walter has all the pieces of his brain in all those other people. But I do remember him getting shot in the head in an episode.

"Fire" by Bruce Springsteen.
"Through the Fire" by Chaka Kahn
"World on Fire" by Sarah McLachlan

I hope Chris Colfer (Kurt from Glee) is cast as Pinocchio! He'd be perfect!

I'm usually already teary by then, but yes that part always puts a lump in my throat. The Grey Havens is the part that usually kills me. This movie has one of the most moving endings ever.

Great Recaps
Enjoying revisitng the episodes via AV Club. But one thing stuck out on this page..