Yee Yee

I WAS WATCHING THIS SHIT WHEN YOU FUCKS WERE WATCHING (insert popular NBC shitshow here, probably Heroes)

who played Crews' brother? He looks familiar.

1993 seems like such a forgettable year

the thor episode is next week right? or the week after?

Jenna goes full Heisenberg this episode, no half measures for her

ANOTHER fucking extended episode? kickstarter for an editor for kurt sutter

also seem to recall her from the funeral in S1

BEN! beer pong! haverford's ex-girlfriend with something to do! good episode! but nowalks review needs more geopolitical references!

Olyphant saved this episode. and I won't tire of british doctor getting fat jokes

I do like when the show touches on Christian mythology, I believe it was the season 1 finale that had Jax going to Patmos etc.

"how could this possibly get any worse?"

Coach is back from living with other white people!

what does the headless horseman do during the daytime?

best song: Remember Me

someone doesn't know the secret handshake

this is one of the funniest interpretations of long beach I've ever seen


Shrek from Sons, and I think he played a Hill Person on Justified


another victim of the manocentric manocracy