Yee Yee

how great would it have been if Mrs. Masters banged that old guy

in the name of the Great Spirit, Oh hell no!


2nd funniest new comedy… Brooklyn 99 dominating all

is dana going to end up in Venezuela

dana had to go back to her home planet

hey its the guy who helped Iron Man! More like Iran Man! hahaha!

I literally started booing at the TV

she is a very cute Carrie feel free to give her my contact info

ugh a pregnancy plotline? COME ON HOMELAND YOU USED TO BE COOL

Black dude is a drunk? AW HELL NAW


this is the saddest episode of the simpsons ever and one of the first to make me cry. I pray that my funeral won't be like Bleeding Gums'

I watched this and really enjoyed it

uhm if a white guy said "I only date Asian girls" there would definitely a controversy.

someone told me that cooking in foil gives you alzheimers but that sounds like a someone told me that cooking foil gives you alzheimers but that sounds like a

because meat is GOOD

Apple stock, chicken stock, beef stock

Tamara is a national treasure.

he has a very punchable face