
Oliver, thank you for your reviews. They really added to the fantastic experience that is Advneutre Time, one of my favorite shows of all time. These next few weeks will feel empty without these reviews, but I'm sure Adventure Time will more than make up for it with its greatness. Good luck with your future endeavors.

"All the little people" finally came true! This show has excells in continuity, such as with making Gunther "the most evil thing ever".

I was surprised this episode only got a B+. When I saw that it was a grables episode, I was dissapointed at first, since I've never been a huge fan of these episodes. But the way they changed the formula and displayed the bleak and at times horrifying future of post Finn Ooo was fantastic and the possibly depressing

So is Susan Strong human?

I loved this episode! Easy A for me (no reference to the movie). I think the best part was Grob Gob Glob Grod heroically plummeting himself into the comet (pretty sad though). I think the point of the fox was to show how we are all like the fox in the way that we are all desperate for attention and connections with

Wait so this isn't the return of adventure time but rather just a special event? That really disappoints me. Anyway, this episode was quite hilarious. My favorite part is when pep butt says that they'll be protected as long as they have his bag of dark magic tools only to have them stolen immediately from the ghostfly

I loved this episode. It was really touching and I'm going to truly miss these reviews. Thanks Wilkins, you are a fantastic reviewer. Have a great life.

This episode reminded of the old story Gift of the Magi with Mordecai ruining CJ gift giving plan by trying to surprise her with his gift and vice versa. Honestly it works really well and the ending with Rigby and Eileen was truly touching:.) Can't wait 'till January. See you all then!!!

Not-so-surprisingly funny episode. I loved the voice actors who play Joshua and Margaret, they really sound like old fashion PI's. The whole atmosphere of this episode felt right, and I was glad to see Tree Trunks deadbeat husband once again. Overall a great episode (higher than a B at least) and I am hoping that

I disagree with the rating. I was expecting a B+. I personally enjoyed it and laughed several times especially with the takin' care of business montage. Overall there wasn't any serious character development, however it did show that Mordecai like CJ so much that he is willing to mud wrestle with a girl whose crazy

Thelma and agreed.

This episode was excellent. Easy A-. I love Peppermint Butler and am still hoping for him to become a full out villain and to use his alliances with the candy people and death and such to wreck havoc. If that happens, maybe Peacemaster will return, except as a hero alongside Finn, Jake and Rattleballs. However, that's

Why didn't those wings just "fly" away from Skips? ZINGO!!!

This episode surprised me, in a good way. Thelma and Louise is a fantastic film, and I loved the references to it, especially when the car went off of the cliff in the end (definitely my favorite part). The visuals were impressive, and this episode possessed great wit, as Adventure Time always does. Now I am left with

When they pushed the car to get it going on the ice I was instantly reminded of Little Miss Sunshine:) The first time I watched this episode, I didn't like it too much. Now upon watching it a second time, I enjoy it, especially Giuseppe using the Force and the touching poem. Also, after hearing about it for over and

I love the poor father son relationship dynamic of this episode. The final scene at the end and the socioeconomic reference were my two favorite parts of the episode (I wonder if I can use Adventure Time as a source for my US History report:) Overall I love this episode and this whole season has been fantastic.
P.S: Is


Yay! My first ever comment on AV Club! Anyway, I agree with the rating and I overall loved this episode, especially the action scenes and the thoughtful speeches. In conclusion, something's lost (sadly Root Beer Guy) but we got something new, something big!