The Astral Disaster Poetaster

In neglect we stir,
Under trestles and tracks,
And we rattle the bones
Of our wrists,
Dry slight branches
And wet throats.
You think of us then
When the wind
Cracks the window
The curtains coil
Around themselves—
Your devices have fallen silent
And your audiences
Sit propped
And senseless
Coathung and slumped—

In neglect we stir,
Under trestles and tracks,
And we rattle the bones
Of our wrists,
Dry slight branches
And wet throats.
You think of us then
When the wind
Cracks the window
The curtains coil
Around themselves—
Your devices have fallen silent
And your audiences
Sit propped
And senseless
Coathung and slumped—

The things we love
Come in echoes,
And ripple back,
Their signal-to-noise
Ratio thrown,
Their form distorted.
Whether lovers
Or films,
Or our worn dead,
They come back—
Different, somehow,
And these shaky ghosts
They long for us,
Hollowed and vaporous,
They cluster around
And claim our pretty skin.

The things we love
Come in echoes,
And ripple back,
Their signal-to-noise
Ratio thrown,
Their form distorted.
Whether lovers
Or films,
Or our worn dead,
They come back—
Different, somehow,
And these shaky ghosts
They long for us,
Hollowed and vaporous,
They cluster around
And claim our pretty skin.

So much depends
On a little red Corvette
Resting against
A Laurel Canyon
By a burned-out Denny's.

So much depends
On a little red Corvette
Resting against
A Laurel Canyon
By a burned-out Denny's.

When sheet
haunted and

When sheet
haunted and

I've painted a shirt
With a self-portrait.
In luminescent puff-paint,
Like a seventh-grader.
I am snarling,
And furred,
Glasses askew,
And hair frizzed out.
I will wear make-
Up to match
And tease
Out my beard:

I've painted a shirt
With a self-portrait.
In luminescent puff-paint,
Like a seventh-grader.
I am snarling,
And furred,
Glasses askew,
And hair frizzed out.
I will wear make-
Up to match
And tease
Out my beard:

We funnel down
Our felt throats
All processed materials
Spilling out—
And bent to waste,
Crumbs sparking down
And coughing out,
We thresh,
All charnelscraps
And chaffspew—
Consume curse.

We funnel down
Our felt throats
All processed materials
Spilling out—
And bent to waste,
Crumbs sparking down
And coughing out,
We thresh,
All charnelscraps
And chaffspew—
Consume curse.

With some space
For pre-modern deviance,
You just described
The human experience.

With some space
For pre-modern deviance,
You just described
The human experience.

Whether read on the porch,
Or infusing broth,
Garlic beats the piss
Out of Phillip Roth. 

Whether read on the porch,
Or infusing broth,
Garlic beats the piss
Out of Phillip Roth. 

Tho' I'm known
As a po-mo poetaster,
My interior voice
Is Master-Blaster.

Tho' I'm known
As a po-mo poetaster,
My interior voice
Is Master-Blaster.

The important thing isn't presentation
But fostering communication;
Occupy, before its media schism,
Carried weight beyond its dilettantism,
Demonstrating that we—the soc-com set—
Were okay with getting our feet wet
In populist/grassroot/m-on-the-s clout
And were even more okay with selling out.

The important thing isn't presentation
But fostering communication;
Occupy, before its media schism,
Carried weight beyond its dilettantism,
Demonstrating that we—the soc-com set—
Were okay with getting our feet wet
In populist/grassroot/m-on-the-s clout
And were even more okay with selling out.