The Astral Disaster Poetaster

This morning,
Bored and bleary,
Reading the back
Of a Dr. Bronner's bottle,
I remembered—
Doing that weird
Donkey-stomp you do
When epiphany-pricked—
In other places,
They had to put out
An interstate call
For manpower
To handle the autopsies.
On Hart Island,
They have close to
A million dead,
Under the only lintels
They've ever

This morning,
Bored and bleary,
Reading the back
Of a Dr. Bronner's bottle,
I remembered—
Doing that weird
Donkey-stomp you do
When epiphany-pricked—
In other places,
They had to put out
An interstate call
For manpower
To handle the autopsies.
On Hart Island,
They have close to
A million dead,
Under the only lintels
They've ever

When you have a child
Who ate cat food
While her trash-house burned,
Any empathy
Comes off as unearned.
I'm with you both,
And I wanted to engage,
But the (unintentional)
Wide-eyed othering
Filled me full of rage.

When you have a child
Who ate cat food
While her trash-house burned,
Any empathy
Comes off as unearned.
I'm with you both,
And I wanted to engage,
But the (unintentional)
Wide-eyed othering
Filled me full of rage.

I'm pretty pissed.
But I'm beyond thrilled
That that place still exists.

I'm pretty pissed.
But I'm beyond thrilled
That that place still exists.

my goblin quaff—
Anise aura
And throat rooter.

my goblin quaff—
Anise aura
And throat rooter.

Nudging out larva,
Per the cognoscenti.

Nudging out larva,
Per the cognoscenti.

At first this angried up
My less-pleasing humors,
But it comes from a source
Advertised as false rumors.

At first this angried up
My less-pleasing humors,
But it comes from a source
Advertised as false rumors.

As a man who grew up
On Simpsons' allusions,
Null-referencing culture's
More comforting than confusing.

As a man who grew up
On Simpsons' allusions,
Null-referencing culture's
More comforting than confusing.

It really should read "Georgie Jessel,"
It scans better,
And serves
As a condescension vessel.

It really should read "Georgie Jessel,"
It scans better,
And serves
As a condescension vessel.

If you want to twist the knife some more,
Try Emmy the Great's song "24."

If you want to twist the knife some more,
Try Emmy the Great's song "24."

w.r.t. Father John Misty:

w.r.t. Father John Misty: