
I absolutely love me some Gaius Baltar. His character is the first and hopefully the last I'd describe as "Deliciously Slimy."

For my money, I really dug Transistor. The moodiness of it all sold me, with decent semi-action/strategy to boot.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Wolfenstein when all was said and done.

I feel like a horrible nerd for listing a video game song as my favorite song of the year so far, but damn if Transistor doesn't have a killer soundtrack, and In Circles is by far my favorite…

Eh, when you're right, you're right.

Why? Why is this a thing that exists?

Once again, no mention of Sam & Fuzzy.

I dunno, he admits there are flaws, but still goes for the solid A. I think he's just in love with the concept.

Commenting in his place is his fat twin sister, Bleddie Blurphy.

True, but I believe Shia LaBeouf said it best when he said "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

It's interesting you bring that up. I was just listening to the episode of This American Life where Ira Glass points out that babies are racist (or more accurately that they tend to prefer people who resemble the people that are around them).

I feel the same way and try not to get involved but sometimes you're sitting at your desk and someone states an unfortunate fact like "Milwaukee is the number one most segregated city in the country," and someone else says. "Good."

Oh, it's bad. She said she "likes that all the Mexican restaurants are in the same part of town." I think she was trying to make a point about cultural centers and hubs, but those can still exist in an integrated society. I was so flummoxed that I was even having the conversation that I wasn't really cogent.

The other day, I found myself in the unbelievable position of debating segregation with a co-worker. Never in my life did I think that I'd have to actually tell someone that diversity is good, segregation is bad. While that conversation was about race, I think it applies here, and everywhere really. Integration and

I could never make up my mind on this last run of episodes. I mean, they're moving along and doing interesting things, but I could never connect to the prophets the way I could connect to the war with the Dominion. Thoughts?

so…. bad pacing?

Uh, because printing costs money.

At Random is nice, but I'd be remiss if I didn't put in a plug for Bryant's. It's got history and stuff!

Yes, this.

I don't see the problem with having an adult/infant screening. Babysitters can be difficult to get, babies don't watch movies, and the only other people your screaming child will bother are folks with their own screaming children.