
Well that's like, your opinion.

I promise you, the date will come only at the series finale, because this has HIMYM clone written all over it.

All hail the Real-World Baby. It shall save and destroy us.

No stranger than Patton Oswald.

YOU designate it "Mars."

At the end of the day, you feel how you feel, but the aspects of the story that were Zombie and Cure related were blockbuster aspects. They were draws for the audience to come play the game, which is why TLOU drew million dollar figures from a major studio and Gone Home is simply an indie darling.

Covering this tonight and Justified last night pretty much sums up two of my favorite dramas of the year. They're both incredible and deserving of praise.

As a resident of Milwaukee, I just wanted to say I was honored to have my humble litle city be used for the site of a fake bombing.

"It thinks it's like, right up there in prestige-drama territory, with the Breaking Bads and Sopranos of the world. Or at least in the tier with Scandals and Orange Is The New Blacks"


I will vote with my comment for REGULAR COVERAGE!!!!!!

That type of pizza is generally referred to as "Milwaukee-style" pizza, but that's okay, we're happy to share it with the neighbors.

I guess? She's certainly not screwing around, but she's also not passing around a plan on how to destroy the competition to become the greatest land most powerful lawfirm in the world.

Oof. So this is how Will becomes a super-villain.

Let the man express his deepest anxieties over social media platforms in peace!

Posited and acknowledged. Indeed yes.

I think the comparison to fourth grade is less to do with the quality and more to do with the approach. If someone wears a badge and sheriff's hat, they're a sheriff. That's classic fourth grade costuming. When you take those things off, they're something else. There are more compelling ways to indicate character

Perfect example of this: The Simpsons.

Holy shit, episode 36 already? Man this season's been flying by.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Fair, but consider all the pressure on someone leading up to the wedding. All these people showing up, all the work that went into getting them there. In that moment, a possible future divorce seems like a much easier option than a very public and painful breakup.