This is like an even more entitled version of the argument against taxes. "Why should I have to pay for someone else's kid to go to school, grow up, and drink pee on TV?!!"
This is like an even more entitled version of the argument against taxes. "Why should I have to pay for someone else's kid to go to school, grow up, and drink pee on TV?!!"
Ha! Dorks! You tell 'em!
If I'm being honest, I just wanted to Show Political Animals some Love. You'll note I picked Jessica Lange. She sort of embodies all the wackiness that happened with the women over there for me.
Below is my wish list of winners. It will never happen, alas.
The first time I watched Totoro was randomly on TV when I was trying to fall asleep at 4 in the morning. It was in Japanese with Subtitles, and even though I was completely exhausted, I stayed awake to watch the whole thing. It was so weird and surreal that the next morning I wasn't sure the whole thing hadn't been a…
You express your dislike on the internet with your hateful hateful words.
That's because they wanted to keep their humors inside of themselves.
It's true that there are shows that have gotten slow starts, and I do love being proven wrong by a show, but what I'm more in favor of isn't necessarily the speed of Zombielands quashing as by the representation. I'm happy that enough people on the internet could say no instead of some asshole in rural Kuntucky whose…
That's fair, and I don't disagree with you, but it's gotta be better than that broke-ass Nielson system we use now. Besides, are we supposed to give every show the benefit of the doubt? I mean, what would've happened if we'd given Two Broke Girls another season?
I'm… actually pretty pleased that TV is moving to a place where feedback can be so immediately effective. I mean, I think there was a version of Zombieland that could've worked as a show, but that pilot was not it.
Oh man, I totally missed the prototype mention. Man, it really is impressive how few continuity errors there are in a show so complex.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Developing non-sequiters makes the world feel lived in and complete, even if it's the most bizzare and foreign place.
I gotta say, Venture Brothers is a prime example of a long-form narrative beginning with a bunch of non-sequiters and weaving those non-sequiters into a mythology it can build off of. This has happened on other adult cartoons on a strictly setting level, but rarely the way VB has.
I don't understand the metaphor. Do stillborn babies tumble out of your mouth?
See, that's the thing. I don't believe he's delivering his A stuff. I've seen his A stuff. @stoneyelephant:disqus linked to his A stuff somewhere else in the thread, and this ain't it.
@stoneyelephant:disqus Oh yeah, gosh, that's an excellent write-up. More of that please.
Did I miss something? He barely talked about Forgiveness and Stuff. He didn't even recap it, just just put out a paragraph or two about how Gilmore Girls is authentic, and he didn't have much else to say.
I sympathize, as I said, I've wanted this for awhile, but it's sort of like how there are two different schools of thought on protesting. Some people think that any protests are good protests, and others think that protests that are not well planned or well thought out do more harm than good.
See, and that's an opinion thing. That doesn't bug me. But he doesn't really say why. I mean, yes, he does say there isn't a lot happening on the plot front, but is that what makes tv dull or not? Just the plot? I'd love an elaboration.