
Ann Arbor was the home base of The Stooges. That doesn't entirely redeem them, but they deserve better than Nickelback.

Scorsese was way cool
Everybody liked Scorsese

Seasons 10 and 11 are inconsistent, but they have their share of great episodes and Behind The Laughter works really well as a finale.

The Sherlock Holmes comparison is way off. Scotland Yard were an actual police force. The GCPD is fictional so I feel I can take their crime solving skills and accomplishments a little less seriously and joke about about Batman doing their job. 

I have not. I'll try to get on it as soon as I finish From Hell and its ridiculously long appendixes.

You, sir, are a mouthful.

A cop drama set in Gotham would probably suck. Police in Gotham only seem to either get murdered or held hostage. Every episode would be the police getting their asses handed to them until Batman shows up to bail them out.
Actually, on second thought, that could be kind of awesome. At least one cop would have to die an

Mind Quad is probably my favorite running gag on the show.

We're all on missions from Based God. Most of us just don't know it yet.

Him ripping into wasn't really called for, but it is kind of understandable since he was frustrated about the album leaking and you posted something taken from a leak on his forum. It's still kind of dick, but that seems more like a bad timing thing.

I read an interview with Gareth where he said that they used to act like snobs and assholes for because they were snotty twenty-somethings, but they eventually got bored of it and decided that they didn't like being perceived as dicks, so they're a lot nicer and more humble now.

I feel like the album is a pretty mixed bag. There are some really good songs here, but also some pretty weak stuff. My main problem is that his choruses kind of suck on a lot of songs. For example, "Heartbeat" is awesome but the chorus is lame as hell.

Also, they said they're modeling it on other predictable biopics. So, you know, there's that.

You know, a lot of us like both and don't really mind it.

Welcome to Newswire.

The Greendale Community College mascot, the Human Being, is like a scarier version of Rubber Man: http://25.media.tumblr.com/…
Seriously, that picture is unsettling.

It was pointed out in one of the reviews, but the over the shoulder shot they used was totally Kill Bill.

This movie probably won't be one of my favorite things.
Dammit! So close.

He's referring to the book as terrible, not the non-existent movie.