
God, Mark Prindle's reviews and interviews are always wonderful.

I'm ashamed of my 19 year old self. I'm also 19.

Lobsters certainly hasn't fucked with the formula at any point in his commenting.

I should have shown him "Electro-Gonnorhea: The Noisy Killer".

"Schindler es muy bueno. Burns es el Diablo."
"Pish posh! Listen, Spielbergo, Schindler and I are like peas in a pod!
We're both factory owners, we both made shells for the Nazis, but mine
worked, damn it!"

You suck, McBain!

I'm currently on Season 3 of The Wire and it's definitely my least favorite version of the theme so far. Tom Waits' version is the best.

At least they address it with the tagline: "Christmas comes prematurely."

And God said, "The hole will bring you glory as the scripture on the the bathroom stalls promises."

Great, now I'm gonna be thinking about Dead Ringers all day.

If you wanna see it, theater is really the best option. The 3-D is gonna look better in the theater and, like most comedies, it's probably most enjoyable watched with a ton of people laughing together.

The first Dead or Alive is worth watching if only for its insane opening and ending.

One of my favorite movies. I think the workmanlike way he goes about murdering people and the contrast between all his high-minded philosophy and his actions were really funny. The rape scene is really disturbing, though.

Fourthed. It's been that New Girl review every time for me.

The song and video are basically everything awful about stoner culture in one tidy package.

Let's Plays definitely prove that you can play a game wrong. I watched one for Condemned 2 where the guy playing refused to listen to what the game was telling him ("Combos? Fuck that, you didn't have to use combos in the first Condemned", etc.) and then loudly complained about how awful the game was while continuing

"it just explored what would happen if a somber situation invaded these characters' lives"

I don't get why BF and COD players always fight when they should be focusing on taking down Halo fanboys.

Oh god, that just reminded me of that awful game tournament show that used to be on G4.