
Jane's Addiction really aren't my style, but Nothing's Shocking is a great album, even though I can't make it through any of their other ones due to lack of interest.

I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take them to court.

Yeah, how completely Jerry destroys the life of his son is brutal.

I'm surprised no one's said Fargo. Marge is alright, but pretty much everyone else is either dead or their life has been ruined. Swimming With Sharks has a wonderfully bitter ending. Also, Le Samourai's suicide by cop ending. And Dog Day Afternoon always gets me. Not because Sonny goes to prison, but because Sal,

They don't get what they want, necessarily, but Herman and Max have grown up and learned to accept that things won't always go their way, which is a pretty nice ending.

She did that Britney Spears thing when she was trying to impress Troy and Abed's foreign friend. This is normal for her.

Favorite Stones record thread.

My best audience reaction story:
(Superman Returns, that scene where they shoot Superman a bunch of times and the bullet flattens against his eye)

Making unfounded accusations of anti-Semitism while demanding money isn't exactly helping the Jews' image either, lady.

I know someone who beat up Skrillex back when he was still the lead singer of From First To Last. It's a pretty cool story, bros.

Ray Manzarek gets a lifetime pass for the first four X albums.

Yeah, I saw them on The Suburbs tour about a week before the album was out (I've never been too big on AF, but my friends wanted to go and Spoon
was opening which was enough for me to justify the $40 ticket) and they were playing the Mann Center, which is basically a stadium sized venue (I know The Philadelphia

It's pretty hard for me to judge Pavement objectively because Slanted And Enchanted: Luxe And Reduxe was my indie-rock gateway drug, but part of the reason Pavement is given historical value is due to innovation. They popularized (well, relatively) lo-fi and the whole "slacker" image. They weren't necessarily the

I'm still waiting for Kajagoogoo to make a comeback. Wait, no I'm not.

The bit where Black Dynamite laughs for way too long after destroying a car with the helicopter (accompanied by a song about Black Dynamite flying a helicopter) is perfect.

First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp-slapped you into that china cabinet. I used excessive force.

Also, there's no such thing as too much Jon Benjamin.

I swear some of the scenes in the trailer were straight up lifted from the Bourne movies.

While him being white certainly helped, those earlier records aren't as fucked up as the MM LP. Even including "M.E.T.H.O.D. Man"'s intro, The MM LP gets way more dark. I mean, in the first song he's already rapping about raping his own mother. And "Kim" is still disturbing.

That bass line, though. Oh god, that bass line.