
The fact that it goes over well at parties I've been to probably has something to do with me being part of a college radio station and going to parties with lots of fellow radio station members.
But yeah, I have no idea why they would all suddenly like FlyLo.

They probably finally discovered [adult swim]. And "Do The Astral Plane" goes over really well at parties.

The success of The Marshall Mathers LP is kind of strange. I think it's Eminem's finest moment and one of the best commercial rap albums of the last decade, but even with a monster single like "The Real Slim Shady", it doesn't sound like a hit record. It's an incredibly dark, violent, unsettling record. The other huge

I know a bunch of people who still love Marcy Playground. I can never figure out why.

It's not brilliant, but it's a perfectly passable way to kill the half hour before The Daily Show.

Also, I think the reason I'm so attached to those original films is because they were a mind-blowing example of what movies were capable of when I was five or six. The fact that the movies take place throughout this massive universe with tons of different planets and types of aliens was a much more massive scale than

I'm also a 90's kid. We had the old VHS box set with the original versions when I was growing up (I think it's somewhere in my brother's apartment). I remember when the new version came out I really wanted it because it had like 30 new minutes of footage and I was sure that these new scenes would be awesome stuff that

Seeing him in a couple weeks. Really excited. Going to get a hold of this as soon as possible regardless of grade cause I'm just happy there's more Jens songs.

Brainiac were a few years too early. If Tim Taylor hadn't died and they'd been able to follow up Hissing Prigs (Internationale not counting cause it's an EP) they probably would have gone way bigger.

I think you mean 'Sesevenen'.

I've basically ignored the lyrics on both mixtapes and treated the vocals as just another part of the mix. The beats and sound of his voice are good enough even if the lyrics aren't great.

There was also an arc in Scud that involved a werewolf astronaut which was quite funny.

The Venture Brothers have actually started growing up. But yeah, the fact that it's in a cartoon universe doesn't give them a license to completely change a character's established back-story. I will say The Principal And The Pauper gets too much hate, but it's still just a mediocre (for season 9, anyway) episode.

So he slept through the funeral. It's not like he's any worse than Laura Bush.

I was pretty excited for the live episode, but I don't think I laughed at all during it. The acting was generally awful, the jokes didn't land and the pacing didn't work at all.

Homer's still a well-meaning buffoon in that episode. He makes multiple attempts to get Grimes to like him and does try to be his friend, it's just that, as Miller says, Grimes is basically the opposite of Springfield. He's a hard-working, sane, normal person so he can't comprehend Springfield.

I love Homer's Enemy, but I'll agree that it feels out of place. The pacing and humor seem more in line with the Coens than The Simpsons. But I don't think it made Homer unsympathetic any more than most other episodes. Homer acts the way he normally does (and even genuinely wants Grimes to like him), but the way he