
The Little Britain episodes were my least favorite, but their existence is justified by the "On The Next…" in The Ocean Walker.
"Why am I not going underwater?"

Saying Mr. Show is racist is like saying Blazing Saddles is racist because of the constant use of the n-word. The object of both is to mock racism and point out how stupid it is, while LtCG basically celebrates xenophobia.

Yeah, based on his solo specials, Ron White is actually a good comedian who just works with hacks.

I'd like my friends to break into a department store and replace a mannequin with my corpse. Mall security's gonna have a hell of a day.

Obligatory mention of Public Enemy, BDP and Black Star.

It seems someone beat me to it. I probably should have refreshed the comments after reading the article.

I remember hearing that the pizza guy was actually part of the scheme but didn't know they were gonna use a real bomb until they forcibly strapped it on him.
A quick check of Wikipedia has confirmed that that is, in fact, what happened: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

@Ignatius: I'm assuming you're posting in character because otherwise you suck.

Sigh are my favorite Japanese metal band, mostly because of how completely insane their music is, but Boris is also awesome. And Japan is also great at garage rock. Guitar Wolf and Teengenerate rock pretty hard.

Boondock Saints is a Tarantino movie for people who hate talking and any sort of moral ambiguity. It's somewhat entertaining (or at least Willem Dafoe in scenery-chewing mode is), but it's all style with absolutely no substance and straight-up celebrates vigilantism. All that wouldn't really inspire hatred if it

I wasn't aware Lobsters was a two-tub man. There are surprises everyday.

I like the record. It's all catchy and enjoyable, although it can get a bit to sugary at times.

While I agree it's not necessarily representative of Joy Division and it's not my favorite song (Disorder is one of the greatest album openers ever, and Ian screaming "and we could DAANNCE!" in Transmission is one of the greatest moments in music, period), Love Will Tear Us Apart is how many people are introduced to

As for the Criterion editions, I imagine restoring Pasolini's films takes a ridiculous amount of work, so it might be a while.

"Ceremony" and "Isolation" suggest that he might have moved in a more dance-y direction, and as MTT said, his take on the Madchester scene would have been interesting to hear.

Had Thompson not killed himself I like to think we would have gotten some amazingly pissed off writing about the financial crisis and Fannie Mae, etc.