
::channels Prince::

I'm dreading
the end of the Boondocks. At least they're going out on top. Also, I hate those Kia commercials for fucking up Black Sheep, too.

I like Wu-Tang and Seinfeld…

Continuing with Albini, the ladies don't seem to dig Rapeman much either.

I prefer Dirk Wears White Sox by a little bit, but Kings is also a classic.

Party Down
It perfectly captures the directionless-ness, self-loathing, and soul-crushing depression of working a shitty job that you hate and going nowhere.

Hear, hear for Scud and Venture Bros. I actually got one of the Scud shirts from the old site: http://www.scud.com/pages/S… (I have the yellow warning-logo one).

Let's just call it music in general, rather than songs.

Both Linkous' and DFW's suicides hit me pretty hard. I was halfway through Infinite Jest when DFW did it and I haven't had the heart to finish it, and Good Morning Spider is one of my favorite albums. Mark had already beat death once, and I read all the quotes about how he was one of the nicest guys around, and it all

@ Joseph, the album Julius Caesar by Smog, specifically the song "Your Wedding" (http://www.youtube.com/watc…, has that sort of resonance with me. I was also pursuing a cute chick friend, but she's moving in with her boyfriend (we're still friends), and all I can think is "I'm gonna be drunk, so drunk, at your wedding.

Thirding the Blankets love. Also, Box Office Poison.

I declare this the songs thread.
And for mine I'm going to cop to one that no one else will probably admit to.
"The Good Life" by Weezer. I've spent my teens a sober loser (fuck you, you liked Pinkerton, too).

Another TS3 mention. I'm leaving for college this summer, so I grew up with the first two and this one seemed to be about my exact situation. Yes, I cried.

I second the need for more Flexo. They kind of made it seem like he's gonna be gone for good.

This is probably gonna do pretty well just due to the fact that it's based on an established property (and a good one, at that) with an audience (kids) that don't care about reviews. Of course, people said the same thing about SATC2.

I guess Bugs Bunny's dialogue doesn't translate well. Cartoon violence, on the other hand, is the international language.

Quiet, Jarvis.

Let's hear from our Hung jury.

I don't seem to get FX at the hotel I'm currently at, which is pissing me off cause I wanna see this. Well, that's what reruns are for.

I mean, I went out and bought this new suit cuz' I figured we were gonna win.