
"Check this shit out!" gets quoted by me and my friends constantly. That is one of the greatest sketches ever.

Tom Kenny singing "We're goin' on a driveby" is priceless. Really, it's all amazing.

Ew Girl, Ew
TTOMO is one of my favorite bits. The line about how they're trying to take them with loitering charges is one of my favorites.

Los Campesinos! and Titus Andronicus for $5
Right after they both released their first albums. Also, I missed Ween. And I'm going to miss the Pavement and Swans reunions because I'm leaving for college right before they hit Philly.

I used to be obsessed
With Sherlock Holmes as a kid. The stories are still great. The Final Problem was traumatizing, though.

Equalize With A Vengeance?

After what happened with Hunter S. Thompson, you'd think they'd have learned not to talk to journalists.



Sting ain't never been on no moon.

I see what you did there.

I want that game now.

Michael Jackson continues his attempt to singlehandedly revive world economy
No word yet on Moonwalker 2: Electric Boogaloo, but I think Joe Pesci's free.

He's going to go to fight the terorrists
He'll then find out war on terror is taking place in Middle Eastern desert, give up as it's no place for a fish or a fat comedian. At least, that's my version.

Seconding The Space Pope (he is The Space Pope After all)

I had trouble
telling which video was Odenkirk and which was Stevens. I genuinely thought the first Stevens video after the CS Lewis Jr. one was another Mr. Show video for about the first 30 seconds.

My problem with GA isn't that they're derivative, though, it's that they aren't as good as the other similar derivative bands like TA and the Hold Steady.

That's Billy Bragg's "New England", not Lifetime. But the line you picked, I'm not trying to change the world I'm just looking for new New Jersey, Because tramps like us, baby we're born to die", ends up reversing the meaning of both the original lines by changing a few words and putting them together. In "New

I also wish more bands had the balls to be TA. We need more 65 minute civil war concept albums. I don't mean that in a sarcastic way, either. The Monitor was great, in no small part due to its ridiculous amount of ambition.

I've never been able to get into these guys
It's always seemed to me like they try very self-consciously (and IMO) too hard to write "anthems" instead of just focusing on writing a good set of songs. Also, it doesn't help that I feel like these guys are just a shitty version of The Hold Steady and Titus Andronicus and