
Someone please convince me that putting CEG at the Friday (death) slot (while JTV still is on Mondays) isn't the end of the show… I can't handle it if this got cancelled.

C'mon guys, they totally stole the ideal from Meow Meow Beans.

I thought Joey and Rachel made a cute couple, I actually really enjoyed the chemistry between them and was rooting for them… I guess I will definitely not be going to the good place, that's probably minus bajillion points…

I never understood why this catholic high school is so cool with all the lgbt stuff… Is that normal these days?

Burnett is an active democrat? That is surprising, isn't he SUPER catholic, and remember the bible show where Satan was portrayed looking so much like Obama…

I don't get why people disliked Scrubs so much…

I'm really liking the philosophy lessons and how they tie into the story from these past couple episodes, hope they can keep it up.

Thank you especially for the aivi & surasshu rec.

I was gonna say the exact same thing. Love discovering new stuff this way.

Who's the hottie that Maya bagged…?

I miss Gina SO MUCH….

I'm guessing it's Jon Benjamin who voiced Kucha Kopi, right…?

Kucha Kopi is the same voice as season 1 where Bob got trapped behind the wall. That is some consistency.

Hello kitty!!

Every single line coming out of Ted Danson's mouth is just comedic gold. I enjoy all the twists, but this show seems way more suited as a cable series given the overarching storyline, I'm scared it might run out of steam soon.

I wish the show Partners got to continue, it was very standard Max Mutchnick and David Kohan stuff, but it was entertaining.

During the letter segment of the flop house, the original peaches started creating clickbait titles w/ cool kids hip language, it was pretty hilarious to hear them say AF.

Ryan Higa!!

I thought it was the Bryan Singer comment that landed him in the most trouble…

Same here, still would love to check out the movie. This is actually the first bad review I came across for this film, it's gotten a lot of positive buzz else where. I also loved Love is Strange, the way it was shot was beautiful.