
Yeah but even after they dropped regular coverage, TFH still gets mentioned from time to time, but it's been awhile since they brought it up.

No more love for Flophouse form Podmass… :( I still enjoy the banter among the hosts very much, and I like that they try to cover more recent film entries.

Funnily enough, this week's Difficult People touches upon the topic of porn preference vs real life partner, basically comments on PORN's question

This show makes me want to convert to Judaism.

So I have a question regarding the plot, was the goal of Brenner using the tank to have El spy on the Russians, or was it for her to open a gate / control the monster?

Yeah that was the tomb raider/indiana jones lookalike I was talking about! tho i didn't realize it was actually a sci-fi film, especially when you had ghost in the title… you're right, they are def more lenient when it comes to local productions, but i believe even if ghostbusters was allowed to be shown, it def

Yeah, there are a lot Chinese film productions that have supernatural elements to it (you can almost argue that all the Journey to the West films have that, and a lot tomb raider/indiana jones/the mummy lookalikes), but it's really about how they spin it, since Journey was a Chinese Classic, it's okay. And w/

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend got SNUBBED!! No comedy or acting awards.

I would check out this show for Ben Daniels, he's a great actor, he was awesome in law and order UK.

no more angie tribeca coverage?! there was an ER reunion on tonight!! Unless that dude wasn't Eriq La Salle, then i'm a damn racist…

Honestly, when I first heard the news myself, I was worried… My first thought was "cue all the angry fans who are going to complain that the movie is desecrating the original work from all the liberal PC hollywood culture" So I can sort of see why Mr. Takei has such trepidations as much as he (and I) want to see LGBT

The show wasn't that bad… Would've liked to see where they took it.

Really glad that Angie Tribeca go renewed, the show definitely grew on me, and I always watching the beautiful mermaid Ann on TV.

I kinda lost interest in the show when the downfall between Mindy and Danny started. And as I reflect back on this season and earlier ones, I'm starting to realize why:

What do you mean by the list of directors is kinda crazy?

It's interesting you mentioned this, during the NY primaries, the local radio stations were talking about how people who were voting for Bernie aren't the angry "Bernie or bust" people others are saying, they said that most people who were voting for Bernie had a tough decision to make, but are definitely willing to

The Jill Stein knock is pretty funny, I've seen a lot of my friends on Facebook voicing their support for Dr. Stein and saying that who they'll be voting for come November now that Sanders is out of the race. I understand where they're coming from, but it's hard to support this given Trump could win because of this.

Very low stake plot, but somehow really enjoyable. It's the second best feel good movie I've seen (the best is Juno), credit to all the actors in this movie.

I went back to watch Airplane and Naked Gun after watching this show.

Feel like the show is just trying to be as bleak as possible just for the sake of being a dark moody show…