
so like… who were the bad guys?

Interesting, I've seen Insidious and the first Conjuring, I thought this was at least on par with the other ones… I feel he did maintain his distinct visual stylishness that you see in the other films, and I was pretty scared throughout the movie, but that could be cuz I have a low tolerance for scares, even though I

I think as long as they keep Wan on as a director, it'll be okay, this dude knows horror.

Just saw the movie, you have to give to Wan to come up with inventive ways to scare people, it was great.

I didn't really understand why people were so pissed at Jason for, I get that they'd be pissed that the game is delayed, but shouldn't be sending death threats to the creator though. But I just don't get why they were going after Jason too, as if he didn't report it, the delay won't happen?

I actually really enjoy Jimmy's character. He's dumb at times, but i think it's super refreshing to see a jock character be so protective of his gay brother, never being insecure of his own sexuality.

Kristen Schaal did such a great job voicing Louise in the season finale, you can hear that she's on the defense, yet feels bad and guilty.

Clearly she didn't pivot

This show should be called Parenting 101, these guys are literally the most supportive tv parents out there, you can tell that they put the kids' happiness as the number one priority.

Science ftw?

Someone needs to make a gif out of June Diane Raphael saying "Fuck my life. Fuck it hard". I feel like that would be applicable gif I could use every single day in school…

Is that you, Harry Styles?

Glad they included a guy in the club, I'm a Zayn fan myself.

I didn't follow the entire season, is Kim out to his mother about being gay, let alone being a drag queen?

I feel like what really made this season better is they found how to write Roger again, last season (or mb the last fox season) I felt like Roger was completely put to the sideline, and that really hurt the show. But this season, even when Roger is only featured in the B-story they utilized him really well. Case in

I only thought the name sounded familiar, but damn dude, you are good, thanks!

When the name Warren Fitzgerald was first mentioned, I had to go on netflix and watch the episode where Bob helps Teddy get healthy, cuz in that ep Bob said his best friend was this other dude, and I thought he was talking about Warren, but it wasn't… Was Warren mentioned in any of the other eps?

There's american dad subreddit, and i'm glad i wasn't alone in finding last season lackluster, but AD has definitely got its groove back this season.

Oh thank god she's back, i was afraid there was another health scare.

"I AM SERENA WILLIAMS" That entire exchange was GOLDEN. Chelsea Peretti is just amazing.