
I teared up at the final song… Thanks Bob's Burgers for making me feel things.

Crazy ex girlfriend white josh and Darryl

Of course Charles is the only one slapped.

1. Everyone needs a Paula in their lives.

UHHHHHH, the pokemon commercial???

Don't forget Charle's correct pronunciation of Pho in the undercover vehicle. So glad they have a youtube clip of it, cracks me up every time: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

weakest season or weakest episode? i really enjoyed this season actually.

On what grounds?
It's my penis…?

Rachel Bloom did tweet "Fuck the term "bromance."" during tonight's episode. So I think she's just making the point that male friendship doesn't require some qualifier (e.g. no homo), and Darryl and White Josh is the perfect example for that.

Guys, white josh is perfect, i'm 100% on board. But can we talk about original josh for a sec? He's a pretty great guy too, a little too oblivious for sure. But such a great guy, and pretty attractive too.

all the girls ended up on the pill after the female empowerment program, LOVE THAT line.

Andre Braugher deserves an Emmy for playing a dead serious captain who's trying to be a teenage drama queen, that's some multi-layered performance. "I can't even".

Ratings didn't increase post gloden globe win… NOOOOOOO!!!

Wish they had a longer version of the reprise of "I Have Friends"…

GUYS GUYS GUYS, White Josh can sing too!!!

outside of the head writer, a lot of the people behind the scenes are still the same.

Maybe part of the issue is that they only have 6 episodes of story to tell, and a lot of the mythology episodes were slowly built up over several seasons back then. So Mulder going from zero to a thousand seemed a little too much to handle for us.

I feel like they didn't need to add a political label to Mchale's character… Not sure why they did. He'd seem perfectly realistic as someone who's a conspiracy theorist w/o saying that's right-wing or left-wing.

Will you be reviewing the episodes individually?