
good one.

The only reason why I'm annoyed is cuz you made me think there was a new ep of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend tonight, AV Club.

I am a huge fan of the podcast itself, just wish the release schedule is more regular, I know people in the past was pissed about how Kumail and his guests interpret certain episodes, that I have no problem with, it's always interesting to hear a different perspective, but it kills me to not see an episode at a

I say we form a mob and march down to the av club office and demand to watch this episode, cuz clearly the writers have access to it! WE MUST SEE IT NOW! WE MUST SEE IT NOW!

This show probably has the BEST cold openings.

I totally related to this episode… The minute you feel some sense of personal growth, then the person you're unhealthy obsessed with reaches out to you and you revert back to where you were.

Where's the damn picture of Terry without a towel in the changing room?!

You should watch Casual, Eliza Coupe is on the second half of that show. Decent show too.

At the end of the last episode they did show Elias kidnapping Simon right…? Like it was clearly Elias. So why would they promote this show for the entire week telling viewers we were dead wrong… And the show runner kept on saying the mid-season finale they'll reveal the bomber, but in the end the reveal was such a cop

If you read EW's feature after each episode, they interview the show creator/runner and recap the episode. Once you read it, a lot of the storylines and character motivations will make more sense and seem less silly, and herein lies the issue: the team running the show can't accurately translate their intensions onto

It's just a very frustrating show to watch….

They have time for this but not for Bob's Burger's soundtrack????? I mean this is gonna be amazing, but stilll

Love the bit where they keep on cutting off Boyle.

you know what i miss? hk vampire films, the old ones that blended kungfu w/ exorcism, and most of the time it was pretty funny too.

How does this compare to Code Black? I've actually been enjoying that one.

wait how could you not be team caleb… they're like the only couple i'm rooting for.

I agree that this ep of flophouse was awesome, but i disagree about the dull shocktober month, there were tons of good bits in there. Like when Dan couldn't stop cracking up during the Hallie's episode

I wish they played this closer to Christmas… Would've made it a lot more meaningful. It was a great episode.

I need a Todd in my life, makes my day brighter.

"Shove it, sides" love it when Tina gets aggressive… "See you soon, bitch" is another good one.