
I do love exploring the relationship he created between Will and Hannibal, but I am also wary how much he would deviate from the original book. My ideal would be Fuller introduces Clarice Starling this season in preparation of shifting the focus to her and Hannibal for the next season.

I don't know if this is considered a spoiler, but if the show continues are they still gonna use Will Graham as a protagonist? The next book will be Silence of the Lambs…

Just fyi, the flop house also doesn't favor covering "cult favorites". also their bit on star wars in this past episode was hilarious.

Excited to see what Kid Kudi can bring to the table~!

Now that I think about it, yeah, totally. It was completely out of the blue, I think they based on solely some bits he did back in South Africa.
Yeah, the researchers, the recent episode where they talk about interview guests, you really start to understand how important these people are to the show.

Well listening to the podcast “the daily show w/o Jon Stewart”, it sounds like all the writers and staff are staying put, so maybe that’s why it doesn’t require that much time to prep, unless everyone secretly handed in their resignation the day Jon Stewart leaves… Jon is a GREAT host, but I think the team behind the

Love this woman, love her attitude for life. So glad it's back!! Yay!

I wonder what Todd would say about this season…

Kumail. Watch the first scene again, it's his voice.

Loving all the lantern talk, laughed out loud first time i saw that part.

POTENTIAL FEUD?!?! Kidding, yeah I miss the whole gang being together.

The Flop House was pretty f-ing hilarious with their coverage on 50 Shades of Grey this week.

Never thought I'd tear up watching Bob's Burgers… Hawk and Chick had so much feels.

Watching Elementary will not be the same without getting to read Myles' reviews… Thank you for giving this show the attention it deserves, when a lot of people would just write this off as a CBS procedural. Your analysis were always spot on, and you pointed out connections between the theme and the case I would never

Amy Shhhh-mer

True… But none actually committed the murder.

Need a gif of Teddy using cough drop as cologne, preferably with the tongue sound effect.

okay but i find Coyote to be really attractive…

I teared up as Lily Tomlin shed a tear saying she was heartbroken….