
Saw four episodes before going to work Friday morning… The show is actually a lot more somber than the trailer make it out to be. But I am enjoying it a lot, love the four leads, especially Lily Tomlin.

It is indeed a heart warmer, as the mellowed down version of the theme plays during the final bathtub scene, I couldn't help but have a giant smile on my face. This is the best family out there.

You're like the coolest mom/dad ever.

Do people actually sign up for stamps.com for that free scale or square space to build a better web today?

Also loren bouchard said in the live show that the cd is coming out in the summer, it better include ALL the songs from this episode.

Um… Didn't Gene write the masterpiece Electric Love?! He should be better than it is portrayed in this episode! I mean I still liked this ep a lot, just really rooting for Gene.

Yes thank you. I would not listen to an episode that Kalan isn't on. But of course, I prefer when all three are present.

I think maybe that's what killed it for me, and probably will ruin flop house for me as well. Because I only recently discovered both podcasts, so I've been binge listening (first HDTGM, now Flop House). But the after earth episode was awesome! if not just for June's theory on the candle blowing scene.

I've been catching up to the back catalog of Flop House, and I enjoyed it a lot, have not listened to a lot of the recent ones. But I didn't like the recent HDTGM episodes for some reason. I think I like the non-live versions better.

I think I like the flop house more than HDTGM now… I mean I still enjoy both, and I would kill to have Jason Mantzoukas just yell expletives at me all day long. But more and more I am enjoying The Flop House dynamic and format.

I'm gonna say something about the ending of this movie so SPOILERS!!
But I really don't like it when movies set the whole premise up as sort of a whodunit story, only ending it with NO reveal whatsoever, and this movie is guilty of that 100%. The movie tries to be like "And Then There Were None", and I

The tone of the show has gotten A LOT darker this season…

how can you give such a low grade when UTU2TM reunites?

I'm wondering if you got the Ron Swanson reference…

What's HE…

"… the whole point is to get a job by being gay then to do as good of a job as the normals, that's what the gays want…"

This episode definitely clicked with me, especially with Dean's story line. I think Dan Harmon has come a long way in discussing issues regarding sexuality, and I really liked how they portrayed Dean's sexuality, it tackled a lot surrounding this topic.

So my biggest question is will the artists on TIDAL pull their music out of Spotify…?

I'm really just here for the clever acronyms… I am new to this column, has it always been like this? I am so impressed at all the things they came up with. JAWDROP. It'll probably take me longer to come up with this than to write the entire letter to Dan.

UHHH wheels ontario!