
I don't normally listen to hip hop, but I listened to all of Kid Cudi's albums and enjoyed it a lot (his first MotM is the best). As much as I am going to miss Reggie, I am really excited to see what Kid Cudi can bring to the show. The news definitely came to me as a surprise though, he normally hangs w/ like Jay-z,

Marc Maron, a former addict, said it the best "Aw, fuck, Harris. RIP"

kung fu fighting by Retta, sax by Nick Offerman, that single needs to be here by YESTERDAY.


I think given the past half century, audiences are smart enough to discern propaganda. I mean if you think encouraging you eat healthy is propaganda, what isn't…

Wait… So does this mean Richie and Patrick ain't getting back together? :(

I don't get why people hate this video so much… The guy was merely trying to explain and apply the gravitational acceleration to Mario, which if you're learning about basic physics, is a pretty fun way to think about a fairly abstract concept.

She definitely had a sketch on her show that is EXACTLY like that scene in the trailer. Still, love Amy Schumer, definitely gonna watch it.

I was legit scared for a moment when he first came out with that mask, it was SCARY.

"Are you trying to have it all?" "That question makes NO SENSE…" This is probably the best line out of this entire series, and the delivery is perfect.

Screen captured the scene where April hugs Leslie by the pond, and it will be my wallpaper.

probably fox news from now on.

um… why are their faces SO WEIRD. color wise. i mean they're celebrities, so they all like 100000 times better even with the weird hue…

thank you for that crucial addition (no sarcasm).

you win sir. bravo.

An awesome encore performance of Aziz's song.


I need to be part of this family immediately… I loved the dynamic among the Belcher kids this week.


As much as I love Russell Tovey, I just want Richie and Patrick to be back together… At the bar, when Richie mouthed those words to Patrick out of concern, they are just meant for each other.