
Isn't that Grant's place from Happy Endings!!!??? That's where Max laid down all those candles!!

"… EDM is a mere soundtrack for what turns out to be a stalker thriller rife with the kind of details that the filmmakers might call “psychological” and that psychologists might call “insultingly stupid.”"
OUCH…. Harshest burn I've read here on av club.

Agreed, "Craig and Typhoon" should happen, everyone should show Craig/Billy some love, that delivery was pretty awesome.

Also, that last flashback scene, why isn't JLM not winning an Emmy, he portrayed the vulnerability so well…

So in the final flashback scene, was the only reason Sherlock was crying because he was on the verge of relapse? I don't remember exactly, but what happened that caused him to be in such a dark place?

Lol, I just noticed that this is filed under "No Clyde", that's a nice touch.

Myles I love your analysis of the show, you pick up a lot of things that normal viewers miss. I would love to read your recap on Hannibal, which I think bucks the procedural convention very frequently, and had many layers to it.

Jay Duplass is actually quite attractive, a fact that I missed watching The Mindy Project…

How did you do italics, pretty cool.

First off, "icepick-to-the-eardrum" is hardly mild, secondly, tolerance and calling you out for being a prick is not mutually exclusive.

My prediction: two white guys will play the lead.

I think they said more cities to come? I could be wrong…

Jeez dude, there are people out there who are excited about this. Weird Al is great too, but you don't have to be an asshole about it.

Man the blank look on his face… Nick Offerman nailed all the emotional subtleties in this episode.

What really moved me was the scene when Ron was looking out his office and it was just strange faces, as someone who watched this from ep1, that hit me hard. Nothing was the same then, and I can totally relate to Ron's feelings.

Those two girls have a drinking problem… lol.

Overwhelming? I definitely wouldn't describe it as overwhelming… Richie is more emotional. But I think Looking for the Future wouldn't work as well if they paired Kevin and Patrick. I don't know, I am biased towards Richie, he's just such a nice person.

Oh god, Josh's phone has too many air bubbles and it's driving me insane…. Hope that's just a prop one.

I still like the chemistry between Richie and Patrick a lot better tho…

mindy project, mindy project…