
Jem and The Holograms know what they did.

Dunkin' My Balls In It!

I'm sensing some cross-marketing synergy here!

Oh, man. Imagine three emojis on a fidget spinner.

We will burn this world of cheap knick-knacks to the ground and rebuild it into one of marginally higher-quality knick-knacks! As long as they're not too expensive, of course.

It's more of a science anyway.

Not exactly an exclusive.

Friggin' Millennials and their disposition to things low-rez.

Well, now I know.

Big Red American No

I actually liked the take on the Riddler where he was reformed. He's still amoral, but basically law-abiding and uses his keen intellect to solve crimes.

They're going to weld the doors shut…of his prison cell!

It's all about sensible rationing and itty-bitty spoons.

Well, good news! Guess what will lower those inhibitions?

Well, presumably he gets a lunch break.

Rug really held my crumbling sanity together.

Lordy, compared to the Seattle real estate market that's a steal.

Let's hope and pray there's not enough episodes for syndication.

These news ”flashes” are garnering millions of views, despite essentially being press releases that are light on facts.

Prove me wrong, Baramos! Prove me wrong!