
Olivia's pouring dat glass of wine.

Hey, at least there isn't already a culture of sexual assault in the U.S.A.F., amirite?

Kate, slutty Langley girl, and the W.M. who wants to diggle Diggle's diggle in Arrow are the same person. Way for respecting servicewomen! 'MURICA

I mean, still, she is kinda cray.

Six seasons and a movie!!

Of all the bland special agent/detective actresses out there, Megan Boone is the blandest. The funnest thing about her is saying her last name with a comical number of o's.

I actually really enjoy Revolution, but that may be my weakness for smug, vulnerable, amoral Elizabeth Mitchell characters.

"Can you translate for the medically challenged?" — umm, I don't think that came out how you wanted it to… It makes you sound like you're… whatever… do you thing, Every Special Agent Ever Guy.

I love how the tip line goes straight to their secret black-site. This show is the worst.

"DC's red line station" LAZY.

They fuck up the D.C. metro. Seriously, are the writers too lazy to use Google?

I literally shouted at the screen, 'C'MON, Kat, you must've realized that wasn't a good idea from the get-go.

Can we discuss how the Horseman is actually works as a genuinely creepy antagonist. I was surprised. The, y'know, no head sitch could make it unintentionally funny very easy.

I don't really see the Magical Negro thing, either, to be honest.

In my mind the only 'shooting' a modern Mason would do would involve skeet.

Ichabod/Katrina's relationship could possibly turn — bear with me, nerdy-ass reference ahead — later-Jean-Grey-and-Scott Summers-y where they both recognize the bond they will always have but also acknowledge their marriage is no longer… whatever. Anyone get what I mean?

I don't really understand why they need it. The mythology is dense, but the basic concept is pretty simple. Ichabod Crane died, his witch-wife did a Briar Rose on him, wakes up modern times, meet Abby his cop companion, impending apocalypse. Done.

I'm just happy they finally toned down Katrina's make-up — she's looked more Nancy from Oliver Twist and less Quaker witch.

wow, Not Rufus Sewell's wig in this episode was almost Blacklist-worthy…

Gubernatorial sperm works fast.