
All the people I know who saw the movie - the vast majority of them men - at least liked it. No one - not one person - complained that it was about a female superhero and was directed by a woman. I recommended it to several people, whose sole concern was whether it was worth the money. Since most of this debate is

Oh, come on now. She's worse than Hitler!

There is no joy at the A.V. Club
Mighty Comey has struck out.

I hate that guy. He makes his living off of other people's taxes!

It'll be easy to write her character out of the show if she doesn't work out. Strap an explosive vest on her and let 'er rip!

When the father in the last scene ran back out into the alley, I was hoping he was going to say, "Who was that masked man?"

Is it about a slew of mysterious deaths around a former president and his failed candidate wife? They could call it "If We Did It."

This trailer begs the question all Hollywood is asking: Did Jared Leto box up a shit and mail it to Harrison Ford?

Chuck changed his last name from Cunningham to McGill, and now lives in Albuquerque with the other unwanted Cunningham child.

Maybe he was killed with an arrow?

Salmon Ladder = sexy times!

"Recognizably human drama about the way the industry uses women until they’re nothing but empty shells of pancake make-up." My goodness, these Hollywood dames need someone to advocate for them! They're little more than sweat shop workers!

I heard a rumor that they shared a large buttered popcorn, and toward the end of the movie Stone got up to use the bathroom. While he was gone, Putin alledgedly tore a hole in the bottom of the popcorn box, and put his penis through it. When Stone came back, Putin offered him a handful, but Stone - having been tricked

It was Butch who got his hand cut off

This is too bad, not only because he's in pain, but because that's my favorite summer show. Lots of action and people working together, not arguing all the time. Godspeed Sir!

Is Corll holding the gun sight up to his missing eye?

Do you know what Barry should do? Run back into the past and fix the timeline.

It has to be Ronnie

Do you know what this movie really needed? More John Diggle.

A sequel is currently in production.