
I've read a lot of criticism of the pointlessness of some of the newswires lately, but this article has taken pointlessness to ridiculous new levels.

Channel 2 from Oakland (Jack London Square,) used TVPOWW as part of their show "Barney and Friends. Barney was a crudely drawn character that they would animate with frequently seen tongue depressors. One time I turned it on and Barney was holding a sheaf of papers - just like a real newsman! - informing the

That same urban legend, almost to the word, existed in Reno, Nevada during the sixties.

What about the movie where he played a sailor?

Bruce Lee!

That really is a great book, maybe Chandler's best. It would take a multi-part series to do the book justice.

Simon Pegg's friendship with tom Cruise is the only unsettling thing about him.

I would love to see a superhero movie series where the hero has powers and motivations that weren't explained until several movies down the line. It would be a refreshing change.

(Waves hand 3 inches over top of head, goes "woosh.")

You know what would pep up a movie like this? If the bad guys were Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank - co-starring Mike Nelson as "Torgo" and Joel Hodgson as "The Gimp."

If you added up all the minutes in a season of a comic book TV show like Arrow or Gotham, it would equal out to about 16 hours. You don't seem to have a problem with that!

My take was that Thawne left them that way as another form of torture. Knowing that things should be different and better, but not knowing exactly how or why would be pretty awful.

"Do you know how many toilets I had to clean? A lot!"

Sometimes that kitten goes too far!

Burton is scarier than that albino prison rapist from season one. I can't see Hood taking him down alone, unless they do that Raiders Of The Lost Ark thing where he just shoots him.

I wondered that myself. If they were, they did a hell of a job.

After seeing her in that bikini, I couldn't even spell I.Q.

No disagreement here. A funny, truly original film.

My daughter's foot makes a cameo in Shark Lake, so I am very excited to see this film

If this kind of thing bothers you, register your objection by not seeing Dr. Strange or Iron Fist. If everyone complaining about this wouldn't give Marvel their money, things would change in a hurry.