Buy yourself another F1 McLaren. You'll feel better.
Buy yourself another F1 McLaren. You'll feel better.
This is one of my favorite horror movie scenes, along with Freddy Krueger shooting Tina with his dream gun in A Nightmare on Elm Street and Leatherface poisoning Franklin in Texas Chainsaw.
I was about to make the same observation. Stabbing her with a trowel is not at all like bludgeoning her with a shovel.
Well said.
You may have hit on the answer. Make a movie exploring Dr. Doom's backstory, where the FF are ancillary characters who only show up at the end.
Maybe they could fix The Mandarin while they're at it.
It's Ronnie Raymond.
It's across the bay from Metropolis.
I was afraid Zack Snyder wasn't going to be represented and then - BAM- there it was, the "This is Sparta" kick from 300.
Since I missed this episode, I probably won't be watching anymore, but I intend to read the reviews and comments every week. They are far more entertaining than this stupid show.
They're on Night Boat? The crime solving boat?
Oh, come on! The cat scan joke was cute!
Tagline: Baby, won't you come along with me?
It's great to have Job back, but I wish he would have taken more time killing the jerk who tortured him.
A planet made of garlic bread? That would be the tastiest planet in the universe!
During the feature, sure, but during the previews? Man, that seems a little extreme!
Conan in Howard's stories is like an anti hero version of James Bond. And he's not fearless, he's afraid of the supernatural, but realizes his only chance to defeat what he fears is to stand up to it. It's a much more layered, nuanced portrayal than the dumbed down versions you get in the comics and the movies.
If that's their standard for trash, then "New York, New York" must be the worst piece of shit song ever.
It's about time someone mentioned Arnold's Conan. Conan in the books is heroic and larger than life, yes, but he is also treacherous, sneaky, and one of his strengths is that he is very smart, but everyone thinks he's stupid because he's a barbarian. Besides, Arnold is far too short.
Troll. Don't bother.