
Organized sports as conspiracy theory? I get it now.

We should have at least got a topless scene for subjecting us to a bare ass Ghostfacer.

I would have thought it was called a "Solicitor Hold," or something close to that.

It's "Administrative Assistant," dammit. No wonder you're not smiling.

"Her latest kidnapping…" Well played, Mr. Reviewer.

I just upvoted and downvoted you in the same comment. Worlds in collision, baby!

Tim should be the wacky neighbor who drops in every episode to dispense homespun wisdom and belly laughs.

I think the "I'm not gay" angle is kind of amusing, not for Watson's protestations but for the patronizing look Mrs. Hudson gives him every time he says it.

In the stories, Sherlock has a personal evolution in his feelings towards Watson, And in one his genuine concern when Watson gets shot puts the lie to the theory that he is a sociopath. To confirm my nerd status, it's the same thing as on Star Trek when people say Vulcan's have no emotion, when it is quite the

Legend has it that he was dying from terminal cancer and quit taking his pain pills so his performance would be that much more convincing.

I liked her comment for the simple reason that he cut her off with a humorous "Cut the bullshit," tone.

There's always gonna be those times that you can't avoid it. Just last week I was having a chewbaccachino at Java the Cup with Graham Yost when he accidentally told me Justified was going to end with Raylan and Boyd shooting each other to death. I was bummed, but what are you going to do?

Here's a suggestion: If you don't want something spoiled, don't go to a pop culture web site and read up on it. That takes care of roughly 80% of the problem right there. Also, there should be a statute of limitations on spoilers. It's just as unfair, maybe even more so, to expect someone not to discuss a twist years

What exactly, did Raylan do with Nicky Augustine that was so awful? He informed Sammy Tonin that Nicky was trying to kill him, met with him and gave him a chance to surrender, and then walked away and let nature take its course. His sin is more one of omission than commission.

At first I thought it was Wendy from "Breaking Bad." I need to get my eyes checked.

I agree. Agent Crunch Hardtack didn't seem all that surprised by the place.

It was a pleasant surprise to me, on second viewing, that it was one of the Ghostfacers that shanked the guy from Monk.

You should read the Stephen King story, "The Jaunt."

He was the best thing about many British "B" pictures, including the great "Quatermass and the Pit." Ooops - someone posted almost exactly the same thing below.

The editing and effects were outstanding this episode. That move from London, to outer space, halfway around the world, and then into the Psych office was great.