Agent Bolt Upright
Agent Bolt Upright
Run Run Shaw just died (At the age of 106!). Do we get an R.I.P. article for him?
We're not talking about an all time classic here, but awful? I don't think so. It gets three stars for the scene with the blind people on the plane alone. It's easy to put yourself in their position and feel anxiety over their obvious fate.
Thank you for these comments. Spot on. The writers on this site probably don't watch football because (to quote Robert Downey Jr.) "Territorial acquisition games are a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war."
More weird and eerie than scary, but extremely well acted and directed. It was the featured movie at the Lovecraft Film Festival a few years ago.
Do you get the impression from this show that there is an overarching reason that Ollie is never killed on the island? Like some kind of evil plot to turn him into an efficient killer because he's a billionaire and could easily finance their evil schemes? Or maybe his dad was tired of his dissolute playboy shtick and…
I once consulted a lawyer whose name was Richard Blower. (And no, it wasn't for a sexual harassment claim.)
Or Mrs. Grundy, from Archie. (I hope that's not the Geraldine Grundy you're talking about.)
If you want to see rednecks with guns, try bringing that shit here.
The movie's really good, too. More Lovecraftian than any straight Lovecraft adaptation.
As a Nevada resident, I ask you one question: Why do you think it's O.K. to send your poisonous trash to a state that receives little to no benefit from nuclear power? Besides, there are issues with seismic disturbances in the Yucca mountain site, and your waste will have to be transported by rail to get here. How…
I pronounce this comment the most whimsical jape of the season!
There seems to be varied opinions on this show, this episode in particular, but I think we can all agree on one thing: If it weren't for Daryl Dixon, Rick's crew would have been wiped out long ago. Those Neo-Nazi rednecks can sure kick some ass!
I was hoping that Carl was going to take his "Red Ryder" bb gun and shoot the Governor's remaining eye out. Then he would wander blindly into "Zombie Chow Time."
That shot seemed like the answer to a riddle: How long will a zombie's shoes remained tied after he becomes a zombie? The answer: Forever!
The most refreshing thing about the prison attack was the way it was shot and edited. Wide shots and close ups interspersed to give the action a sense of space, long takes that let us in on the action - and the consequences of being shot, and a logical progression of the action. None of that quick cut, high frame…
I'm hardly politically correct, but the comments about her breasts are doing her a disservice. She had a great ass too!
The BBC's "Whitechapel." Truly one of the scariest shows of the last 10 years, with a hero who has crippling OCD. It truly gets better as it goes along.
That "Worst selling wall decal of all time" comment had me laughing out loud. And I am a humorless son of a bitch.
I like the concept of the support group that needs help dealing with Sherlock's death.