Unparticulated Consciousness

Ho. Ly. Shit.

I predict thunderous applause for this move.

I wish Pete would go back from Wentz he came.

Also, in case anyone was wondering: "When Moore accosts some random senator on the street, it's more embarrassing then galvanizing; "

I really dug this piece, but I couldn't let go the mistaking "then" for "than". I fucking hate to be that guy, but what the fuck? Is there no copy editor up in this bitch? I just happen to be free at the moment if any A.V. Club editors are looking for someone… Just sayin'.

Man, this fucking shit never gets old.

Poor Frankenstein
When will Frankie get the teen drama treatment? Think of all the pathos that could be wrung from the kids teasing him about his over-sized orthopedic shoes, ill-fitting suit, and speech impediment.

Uh, "there", not "their".

Actually, Dr. Fancypants has always known Jackie's fam, she even spent the night their earlier in the season.

My inaugural A.V. Club will be used to tell you how awful the Crackle show STAR-ved (or whatever the fuck) starring Bud Bundy and Parker Lewis Can't Lose is. Except for the episode with the Married With Children cast, which is awesome.