
People still have no idea how Bethesda works, do they?
- Bethesda Softworks is a publisher. (like recently Evil Within and Wolfenstien)

Wow, Marilyn Manson was so young here!

I didn't have TV when I was growing up, so I was technically allowed to watch anything I wanted to…. But I… *bursts into tears*

Your X-Files reference did not go unnoticed.

Paint is not on the food pyramid.
I remember this so well because I learned it through song!

I just did a Ctrl+F for "breasts" "tits" and "boobs"  and got no results.

I just did a Ctrl+F for "breasts" "tits" and "boobs"  and got no results.

That's the only way the last 3 season has been tolerable.
get foggy and break out the peanut-butter-sweat-pants.

That's the only way the last 3 season has been tolerable.
get foggy and break out the peanut-butter-sweat-pants.

Here's some fun trivia.
You know that whrili-gig of the little man chopping wood??
The exact same one was seen in the "Beware of the Dog" episode of Millennium!!

Here's some fun trivia.
You know that whrili-gig of the little man chopping wood??
The exact same one was seen in the "Beware of the Dog" episode of Millennium!!

Sad to see Ed Chigliak from "Northern Exposure" has become a janitor/bank-robbing bomb maker.
I guess that film career never panned out.

Sad to see Ed Chigliak from "Northern Exposure" has become a janitor/bank-robbing bomb maker.
I guess that film career never panned out.

Watch the first episode, which is often considered one of the best, and if you like it then keep going. (actually, maybe give the first 3 eps a test run) Season 1 is some of the grittiest and most violent stuff you'll see on TV. It's a very dark show, but very well made. A lot more metaphorical and symbolism than XF,

Watch the first episode, which is often considered one of the best, and if you like it then keep going. (actually, maybe give the first 3 eps a test run) Season 1 is some of the grittiest and most violent stuff you'll see on TV. It's a very dark show, but very well made. A lot more metaphorical and symbolism than XF,

If I woke up with Lucy Butler on top of me, it would be more like,
"Look out, blurry rubber monsters… Here I come!"

If I woke up with Lucy Butler on top of me, it would be more like,
"Look out, blurry rubber monsters… Here I come!"