Disgruntled Goat

Happiness was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Boring, predictable, desperately trying to be edgy. It was one-note and just generally bad.

After trying to watch it on Hulu (what a cocktease), I pursued The State using…other means. I just watched the first two episodes, and, I am now officially excited about the DVD set coming out.

It was my first firstie ever, I have no regrets. Bring on the canceraidsalopeciaebolafire.

I am extremely uncultured, I've never heard of this.

This post is so brave and fresh!

I don't see how people can think a season that's had some of the laziest, half-assed concepts in the show's history (The Coon, the Kanye episode, this episode) can be considered "really solid".

Why have I never seen Professor Troll before? That was brilliant.

This album is kind of boring. Not bad, but not very good. I'm surprised the AV Club gave it such high marks.

Read Pitchfork's review for Fever to Tell before you type stupid shit like this.

Weekend in the City is a pretty bad album. There were a couple good tracks but the mopey ballads and shove-it-down-your-throat political jams were really poor. I remember listening to the album and thinking that it -had- to get better with repeat listens because my first impressions were so bad. It never changed.

Twathammer actually.

Showtime, even.

Breaking Bad is definitely the best show on television, no contest.

The new Junior Boys album has four songs that are mind-blowing:

The judge was fucking MR. POTATO HEAD. The show's stopped caring, I think it's worth arguing about.

I think that the show was good for a longer period of time than people give it credit for, but at the same time it is repugnantly awful now. I watch recent episodes and:


I was with you until bay bay.

I do not understand the capitalization in the phrase:

Yeah, this review couldn't be more incorrect.