
I'd say the "sign of weakness" reading is supported by Sterling scarfing that sammich down right before his heart attack at the Lucky Strike meeting.


Chickens don't have nipples. It all fits!

Yeah, wow. I really liked their reviews but fell out of the habit of reading them a season back, and never looked into the comments. I thought folk were exaggerating the smugness, but lo and behold…

If Betty Draper's gonna self-actualize, it'll be on the flaming backs of Vietnamese children, apparently.


He looked pretty uncomfortable, during. I loved Peggy calling him out on his bullshit power-pose. "It's a lovely view, isn't it?"

Don specifically called out the Ken, Pete, etc. for laughing at the Freddy incident. I believe his exact words were something like a sarcastic "No big deal, right? It's just a man's name."

Now I want to see Mad Men do a "Forever Red" episode, teaming up all Bobby Drapers of past, present and future.*

All the better to masturbate gloomily to.

"Things have moved on, but the dinosaur wants back in and seems willing to become a bird to do so."

Bert was definitely trying to stow away on the Blankenship. Roger brings up Bert's orchiechtomy and his tryst with the Queen of Perversions to try and explain why Bert hates him. Of course, Roger interprets taht as "hating him for his youth." Also, check Bert's astronaut pseudo-eulogy. There was definitely something

If I should call you up,
invest a dime,
And you'd say you belong to me
and ease my mind,
imagine how the world could be?
So very fine,
So happy together.

See, I'd say the show operates on Karma more than realism. Gilligan's said himself he's very interested in the concept and that it informed his conception of the show. The contrivance of the plane crash, for instance, makes far more Karmic (in the interpretation that your actions have vast and inscrutable

@underscorex:disqus you know creepy Toddlers

((replied to the wrong thing, my bad))

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Man you can't take away a polar bear's fatty-ass penguins.

@avclub-74bf91a53eb1f013c870983eacf42770:disqus Can we accuse you of lack of originality in Nazi Pedantry, then?

Is Skank dead? For some reason I thought she just got taken in by the cops.

There's definitely been thematic hints leading up to the Nazi involvement, I feel. Walt adopts the persona of Heisenberg, named "after one of Hitler's guys," as ASAC Schrader put it. Since then Nazi references have creeped in now and then- "Heil Hitler, bitch!", Gustavo Fring emerging from Pinochet Fascism to take