Concerned American

"I Love LA" is not a song in praise of Los Angeles. It's a satire of the vain, shallow, silly people who live there. Nearly all of Randy Newman's songs are written from the point of view of a narrator, and "I Love LA" is no exception. LA culture is a theme Newman has returned to as a songwriter. As a corollary, check

I believe you're referring to Arbuckle. I don't know if it's still going, but it was quite good.

"TV remake" is too many syllables. Can we just call these shows "TV-makes?" Example: I think FX's TV-make of Fargo might actually be pretty good. Did you see the commercial with Billy Bob Thornton eating that giant steak? Freaky.


Okay, the show is clearly in a slump right now and seems unable to shake off its lethargy. Your review, though a tad generous, is pretty much on the mark. Dunham brought a lot of energy and enthusiasm, if not much range, to the show. But the writing was dull and unimaginative, and the show seems entirely too polite

…so four comedies, then.

Q: Knock knock.
A: Who's there?
Q: Twelve Years a Slave.
A: Twelve Years a Slave who?
Q: It's whom.
A: (sigh) Okay, Twelve Years a Slave whom?
Q: Twelve Years a Slave is the most glorious testament to the power of cinema ever created. You are not good enough to even watch it, you wretched creature! You probably think

Not only is 12 Years a Slave the most important movie ever made, I would now say that it is, in fact, the only important movie ever made. In fact, it makes all other movies look pretty silly and superfluous. I mean, why do we even have other movies? What can any other movie do that 12 Years a Slave can't do better?

“How much will we look back on Gravity—say 10, 20 years from now in Oscar history—and see what that says about us if we give it Best Picture? And what will having given the award to 12 Years A Slave say about us?”—Josh Larsen, Filmspotting

I don't think the old "SNL isn't as good as it used to be" argument is relevant anymore. The show has gone through ups and downs, so the current version is simultaneously better than and not as good as past versions. Recently, the AVC lamented the end of the Seth Meyers era, which was praised as being "consistent."

The word Gamera in the headline lured me in, but the words questionable taste should have alerted me that this article would present the AVC at its snobbish, condescending, pretentious worst. So, really, I should have known to stay away. I got what I deserved for clicking on this. Sometimes, our crimes have built-in

I was genuinely surprised, if not "scandalized" (because I'm not a blue-haired society matron or a sheltered Southern belle) by the uncensored lyrics of "Me So Horny" by 2 Live Crew.

The URL for this article is awesome. Just look up at the top of the screen and read it.

This article was a real eye-opener, as I could have sworn James Ellroy died several years ago. It must have been one of those others.

I'm sorry, Maggie Estep, for not knowing of you outside of Beavis & Butt-head. I should have tried. I didn't. It's too late now. Again, sorry.

When I saw this headline, my reaction was, "Finally!"

Beats reading 'em, I guess.

"Satirical barbs." That's rich, O'Neal. Rich.

Parks isn't terribly "well decorated," as you attest. Amy Poehler's Golden Globes win is pretty much the only major award the show has ever received. It's only been up for Emmys in one year — 2012 — and brought home exactly none. It has been recognized by a few organizations, both within the industry and by critics,