Concerned American

Inviting the celebrities of 1986 to an event in 1986? What were they thinking? I mean, obviously they should have invited the guaranteed-to-last celebrities of 2014 to this premiere, even though some of them weren't even born yet. I mean, have these morons even HEARD of Dawes? Jeez! Get with the program, Disney!

That’s cool, too. Just don’t be so eager to wave the flag of apathy, because nobody cares that you don’t care.

Oh, holy shit. I am rooting so hard for the cancer in this movie. I got through 2 minutes of this two-and-a-half minute trailer, and every last thing the characters did and said was utter garbage. If the movie is anything like this trailer, it will be two hours of characters saying trite, inane things to one another

"Buffalo Girls" is also sampled in Weird Al Yankovic's "This is the Life." No one ever mentions that, goddamnit. It's all Eminem this and Neneh Cherry that.

Way to end the review on a super gross line, Dennis.

Regarding "Inside SoCal": I actually kind of liked this bit, and the reason why is embedded in your criticism of it: "Everything felt too loose and disconnected for the jokes to really land." Okay, first thing: the skit didn't really have "jokes" or "punchlines" in the ultra-orthodox SNL sense. It really was "loose

I'm not crazy about the arrangement either, but the lyrics are funny, and Harry Shearer's performance is pitch perfect.

The Lenny & Squiggy album, though cheaply and quickly made, is pretty goddamned hilarious. The humor is often surprisingly dark. At one point, L&S discuss a film deal that fell through: "It was gonna be a musical version of In Cold Blood and at the end we wuz gonna slaughter the entire Cunningham family."

This will probably the only time this year when my reaction to an SNL episode is actually more positive than the AVC's. I'm still trying to figure out how the mostly-quite-lame Josh Hutcherson episode was an A-, for instance. Especially in the last decade, SNL has become at least as much of a nostalgia show (and a

That's a perfect example. Initially: Lousy initial box office and withering reviews. Now: Cult classic.

I sense you are scoffing at this a bit, but A Christmas Carol is the only story in which I do judge adaptations on which elements are kept and which are discarded, and I have wanted someone to make a "definitive" one which includes absolutely everything. (I didn't expect someone to do it this way, but that's the

All of McKay’s movies improve on repeat viewings, as they become familiar and meme worthy. If Anchorman 2seems hit-and-miss now, there’s a significant chance that it will get funnier over the long haul.

That line always makes me feel guilty, 'cause every time I hear it, I'm like, "Oh, right, I keep meaning to check out Talib Kweli." And then never do. Sorry, Talib.

The true "host" of SNL last night was inertia. (The musical guest was creative desperation.) While watching this, I could not help thinking of Gilbert Gottfried's quote that the show is "a restaurant in a good location." It's one of the stodgiest, safest, most formula-bound shows on television. Even long-running shows

I'd actually contend that it is a good movie by pretty much every means. The pacing, editing, timing, art direction, casting, and acting are all very solid. So in addition to the film being funny as hell, it's also quite well made. I'm glad Nabin reversed his decision on this.

"Candied snot! Oh, man, that's goin' in the act!" - KRUSTY THE CLOWN


It failed for me, yeah, because that day I happened to watch a show which did the same (weirdly specific) premise — a normal human guy dating a woman-bird hybrid (complete with a beak nose and a feathery costume) — and did it better and funnier. I'd say that's a valid complaint. And they're not "unrelated" either.

An A minus for this one. Hmm. Wasn't expecting that. Okay, then. Where to start?

"It’s really just too bad the show missed the medical-drama heyday of 2006—when E.R., House, Grey’s Anatomy, and Scrubs were all on TV at the same time." I wouldn't necessarily agree with that sentiment. If Getting On were airing at the same time as a lot of other medical shows, people might see it as overkill.