Ugh! All these answers are wrong. There is but one truly significant guitar solo in music history. It appears at the end of "We Will Rock You," and it is performed by Mr. Brian May. Good day, sir.
What I like especially about this trailer is that it seems to have been assembled by Eric Idle's "Nudge, Nudge" guy from Monty Python's Flying Circus. I mean, you tell me — the "O" in the the title being made from parentheses and the "COMING…" (pause) "…SOON" thing at the end? Definitely got a "naughty schoolboy…
Is there some way to legally euthanize all the people on the Parents Television Council, cremate them, and snort their ashes off a coke mirror in a whorehouse? No? Okay, then. Back to the oooooooooooooold drawing board.
What I'll say about this episode is that it again felt like the cast and host were working overtime to sell some slightly hacky, underwritten material. I found myself laughing more often than not, but it was mainly because of how the actors were saying their lines rather than what they were saying. Jebediah Atkinson…
I think we can all agree on one thing: that is the most flattering picture of Jon Stewart ever taken.
My personal pick for a title: But I Hardly Even Know Her Cake!
I have not yet seen Nebraska and cannot comment on its quality (or lack thereof), but I think A.A. Dowd has grossly misread Alex Payne's previous films and is seeing something in them which simply isn't there, namely his supposed hatred and mockery of small town America and small town Americans. As a result, I do not…
In a weird way, I think the show knew the Meg story was terrible, because it ended with a little capper to the B-story with Brian, Chris, and Stewie. It's a nice, funny little scene, and for a second I chuckled a bit before I realized, "Hey, wait, they're trying to distract us from remembering the rest of the show!"…
Here's a radical reinterpretation of the first Halloween. Possibly (probably) bullshit, but interesting…
What I saw last night was a pretty funny show in which the performers, including the host, worked overtime to sell some premises which were either wafer-thin or, at best, not quite solid enough to carry an entire sketch. They just a had a bunch of almost-there ideas for scenes, which could have been a recipe for…
FLASH! When said aloud, the title of this movie sounds like someone with a comical Italian accent trying to say "the fifth state." Example: "Mamma mia! Connecticut, she is the fifth-a state!" That is all.
I've never read — and will never, ever read — any of Piers Anthony's stuff. Wouldn't have been my thing at the time. Definitely isn't now. But even after this article, I'm not quite ready to crucify the guy.
I actually liked this one a lot. Gross Frank stuff is manna to me, and this show had so much of it. My only disappointment was that I was hoping that Frank had been playing the others the whole time. Or one of them had secretly been orchestrating the whole thing for selfish reasons. But that never happened.
I'm sorry he feels that way and hope he turns a corner in the future and is able to return to the series eventually. He was such an integral part of Community and such a fan favorite that I can't imagine the series without him. This article was a real downer, AVC.
FUN FACT: The word "paginated" come from the Latin "pagina," meaning a combination penis and vagina.
"Comments will no longer be paginated."
So he wants to know "why we enjoy a SciFi film set in make-believe space more than we enjoy actual people set in real space.” For such a smart guy, he seems not to understand — or even be familiar with — the very concept of fiction and what purpose it serves in our lives. This is a mystery in and of itself, since…
I had the same basic reaction to this one. For about the first hour, I hated nearly everything and was about to give the episode an F. Then, almost against my will, I started to chuckle during "Mornin' Miami" and kinda sorta semi-enjoyed the rest of the show.