Concerned American

Boy, this one really didn't work for me. The only improvement from the Adam Levine episode was that Bieber still seems to be guileless and naive on some level while Levine couldn't — and didn't — suppress his smarmy, unctuous egotism, not even for a fleeting moment. Biebs may be a monster off-stage for all I know, but

1:09-1:10 - I have literally never seen that happen in an official music video by a major artist. I didn't even realize you could have that in a "real" music video. And YouTube doesn't seem to be freaking out about it or anything. Not that I'm complaining. They're fantastic. I just didn't realize that particular taboo

I have found a (possibly perverse) way to enjoy the last couple seasons of The Office. This will be an unpopular sentiment, but at least hear me out on this. I think of this as the "God is Dead" era of the show. The closest thing the series had to a moral center, Michael Scott, is gone, never to return. In his place

I have found a (possibly perverse) way to enjoy the last couple seasons of The Office. This will be an unpopular sentiment, but at least hear me out on this. I think of this as the "God is Dead" era of the show. The closest thing the series had to a moral center, Michael Scott, is gone, never to return. In his place

Just a prediction here: 99% of the reactions to this episode will be total bullshit because: (1) it's freighted with impossible expectations and (2) people know way too much about — and focus way too much on — the behind-the-scenes aspects of how television shows are made. If there were no such thing as AVC Newswire

"Unique gets to sing Beyonce, so you won’t find Brandon Nowalk complaining." - I can't believe there's a sentient human being who actually enjoys Unique.

I probably shouldn't be surprised by this news, but I am anyway. I was late coming to Delocated, but I was very glad I discovered it — namely through On Demand which allowed me to breeze through four or five episodes at a time. The show looks like it has a budget of about $1.79 per episode, but it's funny as shit and

Just finished Young Men With Unlimited Capital — highly recommended book about the unglamorous, unfun side of putting on the Woodstock music festival.

It's really amazing, the timing of this article. I don't know why, but I was thinking about this show on the train home from work yesterday. Of course, I watched regularly as a kid, and I was thinking about how this very program introduced me — in the gentlest manner possible — to satire through the character of King

On my blog not too long ago, I did a whole guide to shows like this. Enjoy:

"I sincerely thought Rachel was going to get run over as she started
crossing the street, stopped, and turned back twice in a row. Missed

Erik, if the scene between Pam and the documentary crew rang false for you, it could be because your description of it is nowhere near accurate. Were you paying attention during that part? I'd suggest rewatching that scene while simulataneously re-reading your own paragraph about it. See if it matches up.

Erik, if the scene between Pam and the documentary crew rang false for you, it could be because your description of it is nowhere near accurate. Were you paying attention during that part? I'd suggest rewatching that scene while simulataneously re-reading your own paragraph about it. See if it matches up.


I've been baffled and disappointed by the swift, totally unmerited rise of Chief Keef. From the few tracks I've heard, his music just sounds dull and listless to me, like he's putting the least possible amount of effort into his snooze-inducing songs. The best I can figure is that you're supposed to get really high

Noel, I'm surprised your review doesn't mention the movie's major liability — Beatty's performance. He's all wrong for the lead, and his mushy, nebulous performance is at odds with everything he's trying to create as a director. I know this project had a lot of personal significance for him, but he should have given



This show is in English, correct?

This show is in English, correct?