Joe Tex

How many references to body lice and sexual assault are in the song?

"I can see the deadly hamburger has done its evil work."

I think the contrast with the earlier "team goofball" characterization is what made those later moments in JLU so cool. That Wally had always been an incredibly powered superhero in his own right, beloved by his city, and able to take down one of the greatest villains single-handed was one of the highlights of the

I'd vote for Jack Donaghy, if I lived in New York. Baldwin… not so much.

I suffered through the first two seasons, and have completist tendencies… So I imagine I'm going to watch.

Should I even bother starting on this?
I don't get Starz, and have my folks storing episodes up on DVR to watch on my next visit in a couple of weeks. Skimming these reviews and comments is really disappointing, particularly after "Children of Earth", which I thought was pretty great. Maybe I should just spare myself.

I think it was a deliberate choice too…

It's probably been mentioned in these threads before, but the chapter in Simon's book where he describes how detectives talk suspects into waiving their right to silence, and toward making confessions is absolutely brilliant. Frank is the exemplar of this on the show, and is still my all-time favorite