
I agree, but to piggyback on the "dynamics" comments others have made, Stuart works best in relation to Elliot: his dry one liners are a nice contrast to Elliot's hyperactive "throw every joke out their" style.  I like them both, but find them less enjoyable when the other is not on an episode.

I agree, but to piggyback on the "dynamics" comments others have made, Stuart works best in relation to Elliot: his dry one liners are a nice contrast to Elliot's hyperactive "throw every joke out their" style.  I like them both, but find them less enjoyable when the other is not on an episode.

Yeah, the most recent was very good, particularly the discussion about ripping shower curtain rods out from the wall.

Yeah, the most recent was very good, particularly the discussion about ripping shower curtain rods out from the wall.

I just started listening to the Flop House a few weeks ago, and went through a similar binge.  My favorite thus far is the Mirrors episode, particularly Stuart's unending reaction to the movie's twist — "What? C'mon!"  I got a few weird looks from people at the stoplight with me.

I just started listening to the Flop House a few weeks ago, and went through a similar binge.  My favorite thus far is the Mirrors episode, particularly Stuart's unending reaction to the movie's twist — "What? C'mon!"  I got a few weird looks from people at the stoplight with me.

He is voiced by Weird Al! I didn't notice until the most recent short.

I had the total opposite reaction.  I read mostly DC comics, but I knew the basics of the Avengers and had a few issues here and there.  I really loved Astro City, so thought that Avengers Forever would be a good place to jump in.  I was so, so wrong.  I found it completely boring and daunting, and it has turned me

Like C.H.O.M.P.S. says, they do both smoke, but Diane charges Steve (Nelson's character) with being too conservative in the second movie.  Pot and unscrupulous real estate developers aside, the movie is pretty conservative —

As long as they smoke it up while reading a biography of George W. Bush instead of Reagan, as in the original.

I would like to add that Discuss will not allow me to alter that post, and that the stupidity in the last sentence is unintentional. However, I sincerely meant all of the rest of the stupidity in that post.

Oh, I don't know that DC usually found a way to make it work. In fact, the Giffen/DeMattis JLI was the only case I can think of where c-listers worked on the big team. Think of all of the crappy DC characters shoved on teams with lesser writers — Bloodwynd, Manitou Raven, Maxima, Agent Liberty, Extreme Wonder Woman,

"least visually exciting?" Clearly, you did not notice the leather jackets they were wearing.

This is an embarrassment! A disgrace! What do you think R.J. Fletcher Senior would be saying if he were alive today?

I loved Steve Taylor when I was in high school.  It blew my conservative mind to hear a Christian guy slagging off Rush Limbaugh, and even though stuff like "I Blew Up the Clinic" isn't exactly high satire, it was pretty unusual to hear that perspective coming from Christian bookstores.

And here I thought that Da Yoopers were the region's greatest contribution to the arts.

But I can't tell if he's a frog or a bear without it.

I've had it sitting on my DVR since TCM aired it.  This will finally force me to watch it.

As a Wings fan, I'm sort of conflicted about Toronto as the opponent.  On the one hand, I do think some Canadian teams should be involved and, given their history and geographical proximity, Detroit and Toronto makes sense.  But, then again, the two teams are not rivals anymore — not only are they in separate

The only thing I know about LA Guns is that they were on the back cover of every issue of the Robin II:Joker's Wild comic series.  If they would have put holograms on their album covers, I'm sure I would have bought multiple copies.