
Fun listening to old episodes "Our friend Lin is about to release a new musical, its called Hamilton and has references to the podcast in it…"

It was always supposed to be released on video, but the Superbowl nipple thing happened and everyone was freaking out about hurting the children.

Maybe they are setting the scene for some New Gods?

It was in most of the scenes, you just couldn't see it.

Nice thing about the crossover they did…. Superman couldn't wield the hammer but Diana could.

Wait, they get it from blood banks… So if someone donates blood it might go to a rich douchebag instead of someone who had surgery/accident? Any way to opt out or know which companies are doing it?

Galls, essentially plant tumors caused by parasites. Wonderful. (granted the chances the parasites will infect humans is nill, but still)

So Negasonic is going to stay in the Deadpool movies? Wasn't she just Cannonball?

Orson Randall and Jimmy Woo…. you know that could work…

Judging by the fact that Joel and Seinfeld are friends and he helped promote the kickstarter, I have a feeling he didn't ask for much.

It is general Super Hero gear in the 90's after Animal Man. Check out the 93 Avengers almost all of them have a jacket.

She said Suffering Sappho and they freaked out about the historical reference.

Well Rey being the hero was the "surprise" they didn't want to spoil… Which doesn't make too much sense.

Wasn't the solution that the topless pictures turned out to be in black and white so you couldn't tell it was She-Hulk… which doesn't make a lot of sense.

Isn't that one of the reasons why John Carter was so expensive? They threw everything out a couple times and had to start from scratch…

Oh that is what the book is about might as well check it out, should be in Marvel Unlimited around now.

When Great Whites do this they are just letting you bleed out and get weaker so they don't get hurt when they kill. Works really well on seals.

::reads first five comments of clowns in Congress::
What a bunch of clowns.

…I have some bad news…

He has a record of taking mediocre books with some interesting parts and making them classics (Jaws, Jurassic Park) So he might have an idea with this one.