
Well during 52 DC lost almost all of their legacy characters… I think they are kind of back now.

The challenges for the computer version have a little paragraph of story, Also I have heard go things about the RPG under development.

Well that is a Uncle Ben with Spider-powers.

takes a strong man to suplex a train.

She also left Star City and now there are two Linda Parks in the series… which could be used for fun but I don't think she has appeared this season.

Wait Booster hasn't appeared in Legends of Tomorrow?

I see you are looking at her New 52 costume… (what the hell were they thinking?)

They do that here, buy the glass milk bottles from a store bring them back to get a deposit, I am sure some places brought back the milk man. Granted this is Wisconsin so it might be different in other places….

Sort of like the Shabbos Goy for Jews who need to do things on the Sabbath. A Shabbos Boy if you will.

But male and female cats have different personalities especially with things like spraying and hyperness.

Too bad 75% of the good candidates would be disqualified for pictures that are hard to explain outside of a headline…

Modern Corporate Business? This is new?

It is my default beer now.

Yep those are reasons, people talking about how it can cure cancer and stuff like that are annoying as hell.

Well it is Texas the one country that rebelled against two separate countries to own people…

Hey Moana did good… Why is that?

Wonder how this is going to go up against Arrow… It has almost more in common with Iron Fist then the Green Arrow comic at times.

Yep, although there are a lot more fun games like Superfight or telestrations

You know female Kiwis are so proud… I laid an egg one fourth my body mass! Be nice to me!