
"He's just down at the gym, training with Avon. As you know he used to box Gold Gloves."
"Oh. Good. Sorry for freaking out like that."

We finally got the payoff (maybe?) to Scott asking all the guests this season if they ever pull pranks on set.

Also Rex grabbing at Barney's shirt once or twice before he can get a hold of him is a great little bit of animation.

This episode has the all time best angry mob "side quote": "Get outta here, old clerk guy."

What a time to be alive …

… The crime-SOLVING boat?

I once took a test as an exercise in a Cognitive Psychology class. The idea was to see how quickly you could correctly respond to whether a given statement was true or false. One statement that popped up was "Purple is a fruit". I don't remember any of the test after that.

That's prob'ly your final thought.

I was always a fan of Dark Helmet's "FUCK! Even in the future nothing works!" at the end of Spaceballs. PG movies were so different back then.

I tried to use that as my yearbook quote as a senior in college. It was the Air Force Academy though, so unsurprisingly that line didn't make it to print.

I once got him to sign one of his books with "It's not that tough being a film cricket." Probably the best autograph I'll ever receive.