Don Incognito

That's a good thought; I read somewhere that Rorge, at least, would be back this year. And if he mortally wounds Sandor, that would definitely build him up to be sufficiently scary for the fight with Brienne.

So, any bets as to how Sandor will sustain the wound that leads to his "death"?

They did, but only because in the show, Polliver is the one who kills Lommy, instead of Raff.

It isn't pulling from the preview chapter so much as course-correcting from having Jaqen kill The Tickler, instead of Arya doing it in the inn. Polliver was the only other Lannister minor lackey she knew; Raff the Sweetling is not in the show.

Running lose at the head of a massive wolfpack in the Riverlands.

There was a scene with Loras, Marge, and Petyr around Renly's corpse after he was killed, and Loras said then he didn't believe Brienne did it.

I refer you to Season 2, Episode 9, "Blackwater"

Yeah, no way cannibals will marry into the nobility. If they pursue that storyline at all, you can bet that it'll be Tormund.

"…Glenn, Abraham…"

That is a failing of the book (and, therefore, a failure of the showrunners by being too faithful to the book). Those characters are pretty much identical to their counterparts.

There was a fight over the bed Rick was hiding under, but not a murder; the guy who was knocked out is the one who saw Rick, just before he drifted off due to the claim-related beating.

The lack of a faction and reputation system, the balance is way off, there aren't nearly as many things to do questwise… don't get me wrong, I played the hell out of Fallout 3 and loved it. But I find it impossible to play now after having played NV.


Amen, smoothskin.

I can't read through 750+ comments at the moment, but I hope someone on the show publicly acknowledges that other post-apocalyptic story that featured The Inkspot's "Maybe" before its opening credits.

No, I mean he was unconscious/incapacitated when he was put on the bus. There is literally no way he could have gotten off the bus to that position in the prison without getting killed by the Governor's crew or a zombie.

He was goddamned unconscious.

By design, I think.

At the risk of spoilers, if things follow the books reasonably closely, you might be happy for a little while.

To say nothing of the basic continuity of unconscious Glenn being put on the goddamned bus, and then waking up in the GODDAMNED PRISON.