Don Incognito

Didn't the red and black hieroglyphics from the Hatch supposedly translate to "Underworld"?

She does have a sexy back. I don't normally go for blondes, but Juliet is an exception.

But if Richard is eternally dead, and can't leave the Island—-how does he leave the Island to visit young Locke, or recruit Juliet, or spy on her sister?

I wouldn't put this above The Constant, but it is a definite contender for #2.

Also cool: the DI guys KNEW who Alpert was, and Alpert knew Horace. That's a lot more backstory there.

Sawyer said it was 1974, but it may have just been a throwaway. There was nothing we saw to confirm that, he may have just been using that as a Sawyerism for "a long time ago"


Kim Bauer
How is it that Kim manages to fuck everything up, putting the President of the United States into a hostage situation, even when she's nowhere to be seen?

Amen, Magnus. ZMF generally speaks the truth, but he is just wrong about Bill.

Yeah, that line pretty much sucked.

Shit yeah. "Or any time. … Just kidding, dude." Now that one, when it was first broadcast, gave me goosebumps. Everything else was bit more hidden.

I just finished rewatching the first three seasons. It's been a pretty fucking good time. There are numerous conspicuous mentions of "time" in the first few seasons that didn't raise any red flags the first time around. But in retrospect…

That's an interesting theory, Dom. It gives Desmond's first meeting with Eloise back in Season Three lots of extra heft. But the characters are played so differently, it's hard to believe that'll end up true.

Wait, they have to meet up "again"? I don't recall them meeting up a first time.

I just rewatched the first three seasons, and the only thing that was found with Adam and Eve was a pouch with one black stone and one white stone. Which has led to a lot of speculation that Bernard and Rose are Adam and Eve which just seems a bit too on the nose for my tastes.

Holy shit, I can't believe people pick this shit up.

I like Lamb just fine, but I think it peters out a bit toward the end. Course, most "comedy" novels do.

Heinous fuckery most foul.

The balloon was sponsored by Widmore too? When did we learn that?

Yes, but Abaddon urges Locke to go on walkabout shortly after Locke's ill-fated encounter with an eight-story fall.