
And they can also wonder why I always post everything twice. Man, I should change my name to Jacob.

And they can also wonder why I always post everything twice. Man, I should change my name to Jacob.

Now people can wonder, did C.H.O.M.P.S. just use a picture of Oliver Reed with a big mustache, or does he actually look like Oliver Reed with a big mustache?

Now people can wonder, did C.H.O.M.P.S. just use a picture of Oliver Reed with a big mustache, or does he actually look like Oliver Reed with a big mustache?

Think it through, Jen Fred.

It just happens, trust me.

The distinct lack of horsecock in that post leads me to believe it might be the real deal.

Not too bad, no sir. I like the oldest first / newest first choice, though it might be nice if it defaulted to "oldest first." However, I'm saying that purely because that's what I was used to with the old version. I certainly see the firstie-frustrating advantages of the way you've done it.