Away From The Bear

You're in way over your head.

Was coming here just to extol the virtues of "Father Christmas".

Why am I so fat?

Well, it seems to me contributer Les Chappell should do some more thinkin' and Les Chappell.

Just downloaded this and had to share - sort the mp3's by song title and the comments tag reads "SOMUCH2DOSOMUCH2SEE"

Look out Jerry…he's Irish!

40 seconds…but I want it now!

Um, typically basic compounds are referred to as caustic, while acidic compounds are called corrosive. Blunder, hope, fired, and such and such.

Not unless you can open your mind…and learn to play the fucking theremin.

*picks jaw up off floor*

Fuck Off!  The People's Front of AV Club?  They're the AV People's Front!

The People's Front of Judea?
