
It says something about AVC that this was seen as "subtle slam." Esther, I love Obama and hate Trump, but this was neither subtle nor a "slam." It was a pointed criticism.

Dramas or Churchills?

"…and because Jabba the Hutt doesn’t come in until the film’s de facto sequel, 1977’s Star Wars."


"People on Twitter were not charmed by her casual racism."

I'll give you goosebumps with my man-thing!

Almost as much as their shitty seafood. Last time I went to their damn shrimp fest I couldn't eat half the garbage, it was that bad.

One of the best cinematic experiences of my life was seeing Memento in the theater with absolutely no prior knowledge of what it was about.

I know you're just a gimmick account, but it's still cathartic to tell you to fuck off.

I will never NOT love a movie review that contains the phrase "so fucking bad" in the first sentence.

So no more articles about Trump? Sounds like a win.

I think you're mythologizing the samurai a bit, here. They were knights, more or less. And let's not forget that cowboys ran into Native American archers all the time, some of whom practically lived their lives on horseback. I'd take one of them, or better yet, a Mongol raider, over a samurai when it comes to

Damn, that's some crazy high praise.

Good to know, I'm really looking forward to this. It looks like a lot of fun.

Forget about Pathfinder (or Pathfinger, as I like to call it (I'm not sure why)) and D&D, kids. The best fantasy RPG these days is Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC). And the best app for this game is the incredible Crawler's Companion, from Purple Sorcerer Games.

OK sure, now I know WHEN Taylor Swift, but who will tell me WHERE?

Glad it worked out. I hate when these conversations turn potential allies into warring camps. We need to talk about these things and hash them out.

Nodens? Oh great, let's add GOOD GUYS to the Mythos. That's what it needs.

No, not Tila!

"I can't reconcile "I don't mean that all identity issues should be swept under the carpet" and "it's a question about impact." I just think there's no way to do both."